Do you ever wonder why on a motor way with no traffic lights and no accidents we stop, simple we forget about our crash avoidance space and all we can see is the car in front ( bad luck if they are a bed driver). If a car brakes for what ever reason the next car brakes heavier and so on and so on after about 20 cars we have a stopping situation or chain reaction. Easy fix use your 3 second gap (crash avoidance space). I know your thinking about the road Hogs that want to get 10 cars ahead by chopping and changing lanes, just let them go, you cant change them. Stay out of overtaking lanes if not overtaking (over 80km/h it is the law to keep left, also roads that are marked keep left unless overtaking even if under 80 km/h) So if you are doing the speed limit in the right lane and not overtaking your braking the law just like someone that is speeding. Let the emergency vehicles through and keep left.